"Live as if you were to die tomorrow; Learn as if you were to live forever " - M. K. Gandhi






Read More about Our Founder…

Smt. Nupur Mitra – President For Gandhiji, Nai Talim was the expression of the principle of non-violence in the educational sphere. It was the preparation for, and practice of, the peaceful organisation of a co-operative human community. Read More…

Dr. Sunayana J Kadle – I/C Principal

Teachers are nation builders, I feel extremely privileged to be a part of its ongoing endeavour to create and provide nation builders to the society through quality teacher education that is holistic, humane, and self–reflective.

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Mission of the institution

  • Nurturance and dissemination of Gandhian values to develop innovative involved and dynamic teachers for the welfare of society.

Vision of the Institution

  • Provide quality education for empowerment and enlightenment through Gandhian philosophy to prepare socially committed teachers.

Goals of the institution

  • To make teaching & learning an enjoyable experience.
  • To create teachers with well-integrated personality.
  • To prepare teachers as agents of social change.
  • To ensure harmonious development of teachers for a peaceful society.
  • To develop research skills among teachers.
  • To make greater use of information and communication technology in order to prepare teachers and students for globalized world.
  • To create a passion for life-long learning amongst students and teachers.