Dosti House Visit | 31st Jan 2023
Dosti house – Visit to an American Library.
On Tuesday, 31st January 2023, we the students of Gandhi Shikshan Bhavan had visited The American Consulate Library, Dosti House which is an establishment of the U.S. Consulate General. The library features a large collection of reference research material about India and the United States. Professor Pradnya Bhosekar was our teacher in charge for the visit. We had told to assemble at library at 10am. By 10:30am we were taken inside by showing them our Id proof and they had given access card to enter library.
After entering the library the staff there was very polite and greeting us.
There were security who checked everything if we have any devices with us. Once we were done with security check finally we entered the library room. The ambiance was so peaceful and bright.
One of the council member of library gave us information about E- library on which we can get any information and can read newspapers and magazines from all over the world. Also there is a link kanopy where we can find documentaries and plenty of information on any topic.
They showed us a movie named ‘Ron Clark Story’ which was amazing and inspiring for all of us and I wish every aspiring teachers should watch it. The film is based on the real life educator Ron Clark. A teacher who leaves his stable life teaching in an elementary school in his suburban North Carolina hometown. His students were worst and used to disobey him although Clark never gave up and used to teach in innovative methods which results in raising the test scores. Clark makes it his mission to turn around the worst students, even though he knows his job is on the line. Instead, he decides to look for a teaching job at a tough New York inner city school where he feels he can be more useful.
Clark’s students have difficult family lives. And they were not knowing grammar, mathematics and history. Even though he used to teach in innovative way the students used to trouble him and wanted him to resign.
But the students eventually learn to treat Clark and themselves differently. They learn to believe in their academic abilities and to dream big. This movie is perfect for future teachers like me. Watching this movie made me realize how difficult it is to be an effective teacher. Because this movie inspired us and gave us the knowledge of how to survive in the worst class with unruly students. Students should dream big and take risks. It is also important that we need to know our students and their problems personally as they are our family.
I learned that a teacher should always have patience dealing with students no matter how difficult will it be not to lose hope and hold on to people will guide us to take right decisions in life. It taught me how to make understand students in better way with creative ideas. This movie helped me to realize that teaching should be beyond four walls we should learn from our hardships and experiences and never give up.
After watching movie we took a round exploring books. The books were arranged in such a beautiful manner with namings of subject on the top of the shelf so that we find out book easily. There were new updated books, novels, journals, magazines etc. The place was so clean and calm. One can sit there whole day and read. There were computers that we could access and search information on that and can work on projects. They were different sections for different topics such as history, literature, novels, education and so on. There were some interesting books on literature such as Fiction on wake up, sir! By Jonatham Ames, Things I should have known novel by Claire Lazebnik, The missing dog is spotted novel by Jessica Scott Kerrin and many other books too. Some of the books on education were Teaching English language learners by Judie Haynes and Debbie Zacarian, Colleges that create futures by Robert Franek and many more.
I had a great experience at American library. I thank Gandhi Shikshan Bhavan for taking us to visit American Library and exploring new things.
(F.Y.B.Ed, ROLL NO: 01)