Eduvacancy Session – Recognition Of Students Mental Health by Teachers | 23 Oct 2021
Report on recognition of students mental health problems by teachers | 23rd Oct 2021
The session started with the introduction of the program .The topic of the webinar was “Recognition of students mental health problems by teachers” .It was organised by Gandhi Shikshan bhavan’s Smt Surajba College of Education on 23rd October,2021 at 11.00 am IST, via zoom meet .The college organized this webinar with NKT National College of education for women (Autonomous) Chennai and Edu Vacancy. The college organized this webinar in order to recognize students’ mental health problems by teachers.
The programme coordinator were Dr. S Chamundeshwari principal of NKT National College and Dr. Judy Grace principal of Gandhi Shikshan bhavan
The host of the webinar was Mr. Kapalesh from Edu Vacancy .The host introduced Dr. Somini Mehta clinical psychologist in Hinduja hospital Mumbai who was the speaker of the day. Mr. Kapalesh from Edu vacancy warmly welcomed the speaker of the webinar.
The speaker started with a positive energy and a polite smile. Each and every term were explained very well. The presentation was very informative in between the explanation she even shared her own experience and how she helped a child to overcome his difficulty. She was up to date and well informed when the questions were asked It was very kind of her for giving us time from her busy schedule and give us a lot of knowledge and information and how to as a teacher we can help the students to overcome any problems or difficulty faced by them because of their mental health . She even gave some points to follow and tips to the teacher which was quite helpful.
Then the programme was ended with some kind words said by Dr Judy Grace Andrews. Then everyone was told to switch on their videos to capture the amazing moment and it was the end of the webinar.