Gandhi Punyatithi Programme | 31 Jan 2022
Report: Gandhi Punyatithi | 31st January, 2022
Gandhi Punyatithi programme was organized online by Gandhi Shikshan Bhavan’s Smt. Surajba College of Education on 31st January, 2022 at 11:00 am IST, via Zoom meet. The event was attended by all the enthusiastic students and faculty members. The programme started with sarva dharma prayer, which created a joyous and peaceful atmosphere.
At the start of the programme, Asha Damle ma’am gave an introduction of the institute. She mentioned about the G.S.B School and College also about the Gandhian Philosophy followed in the institution. She also mentioned learning by doing. Our Principal ma’am Dr. Judy Grace Andrew also said some words about the institution. Sabiha ma’am introduced the guest of the seminar Sir Mahavir Acharya who is following the philosophy of Gandhiji. And also talked about Hunrashala foundation.
Sir has given a life lesson for all of us. He shared his village experience of remote regions. He has done great work in his entire life which was felt from his shared experience. He relates his work with the philosophy of Gandhiji. He shared one of his experiences of 2001 where his group faced a financial crisis for the construction process. But they were not afraid and made Ashram in 5km places with soil and with help of village peoples. We all observed the work done by them with ppt. His team used waste material like wood which will protect them from snow and cold.
He visited different states like Uttarakhand, Nepal. In Nepal His team had constructed 2000km above heights village settlements. Where all 150 nuns also gave their contribution to bring the soil from the down to hilly part. Village people were using their own creativity for the construction work. It means that village people also have their creativity but they are not getting a chance to explore it.
Sir also encouraged the students to come and visit his NGO. From attending this seminar, we all learnt that we should conserve our environment by using whatever was available in nature. After that there was a question – answer session with the students. The discussion was fruitful and inspired us to conserve our nature and we can protect ourselves with what we have. At the end of the programme, our teacher Dr. Sunayana Kadle gave a vote of thank, she thanked all the coordinators and all the students. The programme ended with the national anthem.