Vision of the Institution
• Provide quality education for empowerment and enlightenment through Gandhian philosophy to prepare socially committed teachers.
Mission of the institution
• Nurturance and dissemination of Gandhian values to develop innovative, involved and dynamic teachers for the welfare of society.
Keeping in mind the institutional vision mission, the college practices dissemination of gandhian values woven through the B. Ed. curriculum of Mumbai University. Students -teachers of the institution are exposed to activity-based learning as advocated by Basic education.
Through the following practices the student – teachers are introduced to tenets of Gandhian values.
• Dissemination of gandhian values through anecdotes sharing from autobiography ‘My Experiments with truth’
• Every day begins with sarva dharma prarthana where student-teachers are actively involved with all serenity and devotion.
• Classroom interactions which are primarily based on self learning, collaborative activities, and discussions based on reflections.
• Dissemination of gandhian values during internship activities of project based course.
• Self-help and Shramdaan in our institutions well as community around.
• Promoting khadi and gramodyog by visiting KVIC and its exhibitions.
• Training in producing socially useful productive work.
• Community empowerment through community engagement.
• Dissemination of gandhian values through seminars, workshops, visits to gandhian institutions, interactions with gandhian veterans, film viewing and discussions.