National Voter’s Day Celebration | 25th Jan 2023
REPORT : National Voters’ Day Celebration
Dakshata Raut
Roll No. 32
On the 25th of January, 2023, at 1.00 pm, Gandhi Shikshan Bhavan organised a National Voters’ Day celebration for their FY B.Ed. students.
The program began with anchor Zeeshan welcoming our Principal, Sunayana Kadle, the coordinators of the program, Ms. Vaishali Dhaware and Dr. Frances Vaidya, and our chief guest, Educator and Lawyer Bhagyashri Badigi, who was also an alumni of our college.
The Principal presented a small token of appreciation to our guest speaker, Ms. Bhagyashri, and then the program began. A documentary was shown that depicted the First General Election Of Independent India. In this documentary,a glimpse of one of the most monumental events in the history of Indian Democracy, the first Indian Election held in 1951–52, is given. It was the vision of our founding father and the commitment of the electorate that made the 1st General Election a huge success in a country with such a vast topography, diverse cultures, and varied climatic conditions . After that, we had a skit performance on “Voting Awareness” .The skit participants performed an eye-opening skit about the importance of voting ,how people react on voting a representative,the importance of why each and every vote is important .Everyone including our teachers,Principal ma’am and Chief Guest praised for the amazing skit.Right after the skit, another documentary was played on ‘How India Runs The World’s Biggest Elections’. India runs the world’s biggest elections, and officials put in a lot of effort to make this democratic exercise as accessible as possible. This means they make sure everyone, even in the most remote locations, is near a polling booth — even if it means bringing voting machines to them by elephant. This message was given through this documentary.The Anchor of the program then welcomed our chief guest-Ms Bhagyashri Badigi for an expert talk.She was reminiscing the past experience about the college and talked a lot about her experience with the teachers and how she was moulded under the influence of Gandhi Shikshan Bhavan.She mentioned about the theme of National Voters’ Day 2023 which was Making elections inclusive,accessible and participatory.She also addressed about our rights to vote and as an Indian it is our responsibility to vote and how each citizen should cast vote.Then we had a melodious singing performance on the song ‘Vote Dene Jayenge’ by our friends.They performed well and again our Principal praised them for their terrific performance and their magnificent voice. After this,we had our Principal Ma’am addressing on the National Voters’ Day Celebration.The celebration then ended with a National Anthem.
Like the quote “Practice what you preach before you teach,” our F.Y.B.Ed class had elections to promote and motivate young voters and to make them understand the importance of voting. We conducted elections by voting for F.Y.B.Ed Student Council Members for the years 2022–2024 which were conducted by Vaishali Dhaware Ma’am and Frances Vaidya Ma’am.There were nine candidates running in the elections, but only five were elected. The day concluded with these five members who took an oath to carry out their responsibilities. The celebration created awareness of the significance of voting in a democracy. Voting gives citizens a voice and an opportunity to participate in the democratic process. Voting also allows everyone to contribute to the shared democracy and make the government more representative of the people.To conclude, I want to say that elections are the strong pillars of the country. It keeps the democratic country developing and helps keep its true essence. It grants the right to the people of a democratic country to choose their own government. Thus, there is a requirement for proper awareness to be spread among the people so that they don’t miss casting their precious vote because one vote can make or break the future of the country.