Republic Day Celebration | 26 Jan 2022
The day began with patrotic energy, beginning with the celebration 73rd Republic day. The Programme was organized online by Gandhi Shikshan Bhavan’s Smt. Surajba College of Education on 26th January, 2022 at 8:30 am IST, via Zoom meet.
On 26th January 2022, the Republic day celebration began with great zeal and zest. The event was well attended by all the enthusiastic students and faculty members in traditional attire. The programme was introduced by Sabiha Ma’am. The celebration started with the unfalling of flag online due to pandemic and Rashtra geet was sung by Poornima Warrior. Then Vande Mataram geet was sung by Mahek Khan . Then with immense vigour, national pledege was read by Darshana Singh. The preamble pledge was narrated by Swapnil Fadale. Followed by these there were two national songs Janni -janam bhumi swarg se mahan h and chodo kal ki batein was sung by Radha Joshi and Bhageyshri Badigi .
Followed by that Sabiha mam thanked all and introduced the chief guest that he is Special person not a chief guest he is from national army and he has won gymnastic award and his sister is gymnast too. His aim is to get medal for 2024 for our country. He spend three hours at gym every day.
The chief guest Mr. Anas Ali Shaikh began his speech by wishing everyone Republic day. He mentioned that he is serving national army since 1 and ½ years. His focus is on sports. He had topped in 10th std because of his teachers. He started his training since he was 11 year old in gymnastic to channelize his potential. His Father has also played football for Qatar. He mentioned army is such a place where he got opportunity to play. He likes the atmosphere as it is surrounded by brotherhood and hardworking people. He wants to excel in life and make country proud. He also spoke about his routine too where he invest 8 hours per day in training.
Moving ahead with the programme, several questions were asked by our students to which Mr. Anas Ali Shaikh replied. First question was raised by Poornima Warrior which was does he find some days are hard or tuff for him. He gave a quick reply sometimes its smart work that counts. Mahesh Munde asked if NSS people can join army to which he replied Yes and holding a B.Ed. degree one can act as college NSS incharge too. And last question was raised by Pradnaya Ma’am whether he reads books to which he replied he doesn’t get time to read.
The vote of thanks was proposed by Vaisahli Dhaware and final comments were given by Dr. Judy Grace Andrews in which she thanked all participants and chief guest for his motivating speech after which everyone rose for National Anthem marking the end of republic day celebration.