Seminar on Open Education Resources and Creative Commons License | 18th May 2022
Report on Expert Talk on OER & Creative Commons License
18th May, 2022
We very eagerly started for the joint venture on Open educational resources & Creative Commons Licence with Lord’s Universal College of Education. The event was organized by Gandhi Shikshan Bhavan’s College of Education on 18th May, 2022 at 10:30 am. It was a collaborative program with the Lord’s Universal College of Education. The program was organized to introduce us with Open Education Resources & Creative Commons License through expert talk. The program coordinators for the expert talk were Librarian Dr. Pradnya Bhosekar from Gandhi Shikshan Bhawan’s Smt. Surajba College of Education.
As it is our college tradition to start any event by remembering the Almighty, our prayer group students sung Sarvdharama Prayer and the song “Hum Shikshak Hain”, very beautifully. Then our Principal , Dr Sunayana Kadle gave a warm welcome to the guest speaker Dr Meghana Sanjeeva. Followed by a brief introduction of the guest speaker by the Librarian of Lord’s Universal College of Education Ms Sheetal Dhotre. Further the talk on the Open Educational Resources and Creative Commons License by the guest speaker started.
She introduced us with what is OER, it’s history, importance, various types, resources of OER as well as OER and role of educators. Further she told us about what is Creative Commons License. And how we as a teacher can use these open educational resources in our teaching practices. Then after that the question answers session was conducted in which students of both collages participated and asked their doubts to Meghana Ma’am. After that a vote of thanks was given by Dr Pradnya Bhosekar ma’am to end the talk.
This expert talk by Dr Meghana Sanjeeva Ma’am was very interesting and informative for all of us in which we got to know about open educational resources. Before this session, we knew very little about it. After this session we also got to know various links and website where we get free open to all educational resources which we can use for our benefits. As well as this will also help us in our teaching career. Thus, the session was really helpful. At last we all stood for National Anthem and ended the program.
Some Pictures form the Session –