Teacher’s Day Celebration | 09 Sep 2021
Teacher’s Day Celebration | 09 Sep 2021
Report On Panel Discussion – Nep 2020 Transformation In Education
Informal Teacher’s Day Celebration (Students Gratitude Display Session)
Gandhi Shikshan Bhavan Smt. Surajba College of Education conducted an informative Webinar on 9th September 2021, Thursday at 10:00 A.M on Zoom. It was based on the New Policy of Education 2020. Before beginning the session we observed a moment of silence, in remembrance of Smt. Sonal Shukla, one of the primary members of ICBE . Then Dr. Francis Vaidya, welcomed all the Member Guests on the panel, and all the professors jointly introduced them to the Staff and Teacher Trainees of the College, who were also the participants in this Webinar. Followed by Prayers, led by BCG School Group students to begin the session and Lighting of a Virtual lamp. The esteemed panel members for the session were – Dr. Sarla Santwani, Dean and Principal, K.J Somaiya College of Education, Prof. S. S. Mantha, Chancellor, K.L. University, Dr. Rakesh Chandra, Head Dept. of Philosophy and Dean, Academics, Dr. Asha Menon, Principal, S.P.N Doshi Women’s College. The moderator of the session was Dr. Vibhuti Patel, Eminent Gender Economist and Feminist.
The panel explained about the major problem faced in today’s System of Education, especially during online Examinations. Mrs. Asha Menon delivered a speech on Early Childhood Education. She threw light on the importance of the Mother tongue in early Child hood Education and the importance of the Medium of Language to be taught earlier on in a multi-linguistic Education. Mrs. Sarla, explained about the three-language culture in education, referring to the Mother tongue, the State and country and regional Mastery of languages, as well as their pros and cons. This was followed by a relay of questions asked by the students and answered by the Professors which brought the Webinar towards conclusion.
A formal vote of thanks was delivered by Dr. Pradnya Bhosekar to express gratitude for an informative and insightful session. Dr. Judy Grace Andrews, Principal GSB Smt. Surajba College of Education also expressed her gratitude to all the panel members and gave final address to the webinar Thus the webinar, came to an end, as all raise for the National Anthem.
The afternoon session marked informal celebration of teachers day and expression of gratitude by all the students which began with a light enthusiasm and excitement. The program was conducted at 1 pm on zoom. The coordinators were Professor Frances Vaidya and Professor Vaishali Dhaware. The compering for the session was done by B.Ed students – Shailaja Pandey and Shifa Naik. It began with paper reading on how teachers around the world managed to teach in the pandemic.
Mary Immaculate School group students presented Virtual greeting cards to all the faculty. Then storytelling was done by Holy Cross High School group on Sudha Murthy’s book “ How I taught my grandmother” which had a reflected the message on the hope and positivity from a teacher impacting the life of a student. A video representation by BCG School Group was done on how teachers can teach in any situation and difficulties. A teacher is self motivated, happy, smiling, and sails taking everyone together. A teacher is a silent warrior. Followed by a skit presented by HMPS School group on the theme “Naya Savera” with the message of importance of intrinsic motivation and usage of innovative teaching strategies in classroom. Melodious song by Sacred Heart School Group which had a message to thank the teachers in their lives for whatever they have done. A small video was presented by Mary Immaculate School Group on the difficulties faced by teachers in the pandemic. A beautiful dance performance was also done.
I. J. Patel School group presented paragraph reading on the importance of teachers in an individual’s life. Greeting cards by all school groups with the theme of “best out of waste”. The programme came to a conclusion with motivational remarks by Smt. Sabiha More, Asst. Professor GSB Smt. Surajba College of Education, she gave a mantra for life which is rankers of the past and thirst for knowledge should be there in teachers. Dr Judy Grace Andrews, Principal GSB Smt. Surajba College of Education appreciated everyone’s efforts. She said teachers should have the right attitude and emphasised on Learning as a Lifelong process. The efforts of the students and teacher coordinators were encouraged and appreciated. Formal vote of thanks was delivered by Bhagyashree Badigi, F.Y B.Ed Student, followed by National Anthem, marking the end of the programme.