Vasant Utsav | 13th Apr 2022
Morning at vasant utsav: colour ceremony
program starts with prayer, prayer is part of our every program. After prayer everyone was excited to perform their performance or their act then program starter with shlok dance and moved towards the speech and celebrations of vasant utsav started in that we understand the Actual meaning of vasant utsav and reason behind that why we celebrate in that many performance was performed by each student some at them performer individual come in groups in that all dance forms, skit Drama Songs included each act gave us lots of information about vasant Utsav Many the dance, performance on the land. 5- element. of nature, and related to the celebration in different culture. In that we understood that vasant utsav is colourful Festival and how this festival is celebrated in the different state their way of celebratios we also got many information by presentation In that presentation they explained about different religion How they celebrate vasant according to thoir Culture so from that we learned New things and this presentation was informative . interesting Many of the act based on the farmers, Agriculture the revolutionary Act in that they explained. that How Farmer is important in our life, and Agriculture revolution happened in what way.
through this act they explained their life struggle and their culture we learned that the agriculture Resolution why this important for us or every one If farmer will not in farm we won’t get anything to eat anythings this Act realises
Us the importance, of Farmer in our life.
In the celebration their were many acts which showed us unity and diversity basically India a diverse country In that we include all regions persons/peoples are. We all Stay together happily. That means India is diverse, but all people live together that shows unity in diversity From the Act we learned be should respect all religion in our country live happily…. with everyone
This whole celebration gaves us lot of information in about each and every culture values and mary more so as a teacher we should inculcate that we respect and celebrate, all this festival in the school so students develop their thinking and also learn new things.