Video Resume and Interview Guidance | 17 Jul 2021
Report on Video Resume and Interview Guidance | 17 Jul 2021
Today we began with an enriching and fruitful webinar on the topic ‘Video Resume and Interview Guidance’. It was organized online by Gandhi Shikshan Bhavan’s Smt. Surajba College of Education on 17th July 2021 at 11.00 am IST, via Zoom meet. The college organized this webinar in order to make aware the future teachers about making Video Resume and Guidance for Interview. The Speaker for the day was the Edtech expert, Mr. Nitil Gupta. The programme coordinator were Dr. Sunayana Kadle and Dr. Frances Vaidya, Asst. Prof. G.S.B’s Smt. Surajba College of Education.
On 17th July 2021, the webinar started online with great zeal. The event was hosted by Dr. Sunayana Kadle. The webinar began with prayer to seek the blessings of Almighty. The prayer was led by the student council president Poornima Warrier. The prayer was followed by the brief welcome address by our I/C Principal Dr. Judy Grace Andrews. Dr. Sunayana Kadle then welcomed the speaker with her kind and inspiring words. The speaker shared her joy on being part of the webinar. He was humble.
The Speaker was an serial entrepreneur, Public speaker, Career counsellor, Edtech expert and International Admission Consultant. He shared with our participants about Video Resume which is the need of the hour. He also shared various aspects that should be considered before walk in for an interview and while giving interview. He shared sample resume to facilitate better understanding. “The important aspects of creating a video resume with details with respect to script writing, background, appearance also the impact of listening and not dominating in a telephonic interview, were highlighted by the speaker.
The spirit and discipline while going for an interview, in terms of do’s and dont’s were explained with examples. Thus the speaker concluded the required preparation for an interview in 3’Cs – Content, Communication and Confidence.”
Dr. Sunayana Kadle asked few questions regarding applying for the jobs in foreign countries. This interaction session was followed by many of the participants. They asked their doubts. The speaker Mr. Nitil Gupta honestly answered each and every questions without any hesitation. It was very informative and enlightening interaction. Overall this webinar was the need of the hour.
The efforts of the students and teacher coordinators were encouraged by the appreciative and motivating speech given by our Principal Dr. Judy Grace Andrews. The vote of thanks was proposed by Dr. Frances Vaidya, marking the end of the webinar.