Women’s Day Celebration at Gandhi Shikshan Bhavan | 08th March 2023
Report – Women’s Day Celebration At Gandhi Shikshan Bhavan
Date: 08th March 2023
“The strength of a woman is not measured by the impact that all her hardships in life have had on her, but the strength of a women is measured by the extent of her refusal to allow those hardships to dictate her and who she becomes.”
Indeed the above quote not only resonates the power of women but also portrays the zest to always move forward despite their losses. So, to celebrate the women’s achievements all over the globe and to mark their existence a small initiative was taken by the students of Gandhi Shikshan Bhavan’s Smt. Surajba College of Education on account of this International Women’s Day.
A panel discussion was setup for the students and the panel members were invited in our college. Our respected Panel members consisted of women’s from different specializations who have already climbed the top of the mountains in their respected fields yet they were here to share their stories and to inspire us As how difficult was it for them to break the shackles in this women oppressed society and how we might be able to understand the suffering of the women’s through their stories.
First our respected Principal Madam and all the teachers invited the panellist , introduced each member and felicitated them as well as thanked them that despite being busy they made time for us. After the felicitation ceremony all the guests took their seats. The respected principal introduced our guests to the foundation of our college as well as the Gandhian philosophy that we follow and also how we are carrying forward the legacy, she also discussed our initiative towards the society by the medium of community work. Dr Francis Vaidya one of our teachers introduced us to the importance and history of why we celebrate women’s day as well introduced us to the theme of this women’s day that was #EmbraceEquity. Where she continued further with the statement which says – Equity is just not nice to have, it is must to have.
The wait was finally over the students were eagerly waiting to have a glimpse of the wisdom that the panel members possess. And so the discussion started with the questions to the panel members. The initiative to ask questions on behalf of the entire college was taken up by Dr. Francis Vaidya –
Where she started with 1st panel member named – Dr Cecelia Chettair – Assistant professor asking her to elaborate difference between Equity and Equality and how in their institution they promotes equity?
– Equity is Raasta, Equality is Manzil. Perhaps a great way to start the discussion. She continued to explain us further by giving us the example of movie “Thappad” where she inferenced the message through the storyline of the movie. Also she introduced the audience to the various welfare schemes for the girls that are been practiced in their institutions to promote the message of equity – such as Project Raaha – Where they identify physically deficient girls and gave them nutritional breakfast in the college
– Project Sanhari – Where they provide ICT training for girls
– Project Raaha – Basically A transgender support group.
Also at last she gave us a very important message about mental health and how it plays a major role in tackling the challenges and how important role a teacher plays in the, school and college as counsellor to tackle this challenges.
- The second guest was Dr. Gauri Gaikwad who can be also be referred to as M/s Versatile, as she is a doctor, an adventurer, a professional dancer.
The question asked to her was – As a women doctor what challenges do women face regards to equity and as a doctor what is her experience and medical facilities provided to women?
– She shared with the story of world’s 1st female Dr.Elizabeth Blackwell and how in those days she was criticized for choosing surgery just because she is a women. And she contextualized the same issues that she faced while choosing this career where even after 200 years she is facing the same problems which consisted of unsupportive relatives, biased professors. Even during her clinical practice she faced many different problems in hospital where patients didn’t approach her just because she is a women.
But she fought back and rose from the ashes of criticisms and proved to the world that Yes, I will not tolerate this inequality and I will fight and make a name for myself. She requested that the women’s should not be totally dependent on their partner but should be self-dependent and be more vocal with their issues. She concluded with the message that Self-priority is more important than others.
- “No matter how hard or impossible it is never lose sight of your goal”
Next time when you hear the word “dream” We are pretty sure that the face of Lt. Vinita Hublikar will probably come to your mind.
The question asked to her was -What emotions did you experience when you got title of Lieutenant as a women and plans for the society?
– She was very proud when she was awarded the title as her childhood dream was to be a military officer as this field is mostly dominated by male counterparts. She said that even though it was difficult for her and the road to the title was filled with pebbles, she collected them and built a path to glory. She also urged today’s girls to follow the same path to greatness. Her plans for the society was a desire to see more representation of women in N.C.C.
“Tujha asthithva kay” – A simple yet powerful message for women’s to create their own identity. And she concluded with the message of Chase your dreams, No matter what.
- “There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.”
A dreamer, a believer, an achiever, but most importantly “A Mother”. Just think about a mother who doesn’t get time to spend with his newborn, her family, just because of her honesty towards her duty. We had our 4th panellist Sandhya Khaire – Police Sub Inspector who is a crime branch officer.
She was asked about – Problems faced by her in this crime branch sector and facilities provided to her?
– She discussed at length about how she faced difficulties during this job at initial stage when she had to visit crime scenes which made her puke sometimes but she never have up and continued to move forward despite the difficulties. She also discussed that when she joined -low salary, no family time and continuous duty were the problems faced by her. She also discussed about the need lf family support while choosing the career of your choice. And concluded with the message that – She wants to serve the society till the end as well as motivate girls in education field and uplift them.
- The last guest Smt.Jayshree Ratan Mam who works for the breast cancer patients through her SAISHA India foundation. They work for awareness of breast cancer and they have made knitted and crocheted cushions that look like a breast which a women who has lost one of her breast can make a use of it. They are made up of cotton and are recyclable.
So, with the last question the panel discussion ended and now students were given chance to ask question to the panel and clear their doubts. The Vote of thanks was delivered by the students of FY B.Ed and SY B.Ed. And the event concluded with the appreciation to all the panel members and with the national anthem.
All of us do not have equal talent, but all of us should have an equal opportunity to develop our talent”
So Post-Panel discussion the college assembled together on the account of International Women’s Day celebration to bring the above quote to practice and organised a ‘TALENT FAIR’
Talent fair was organized by the women development cell themed #EmbraceEquity where students were given a chance to present their entrepreneurial skills as well as to showcase their talent. The college ground was decorated for the purpose and students were given separate stalls to showcase their talents. After the ribbon cutting ceremony initiated by our respected principal mam Students started to assemble their goods on the stalls. Students made their own stalls by using different creativity methods. Stalls consisted plethora of items showcased from pin to piano.
“You are not quite dressed until a pair of earrings add sparkle”. One of our students was here to add sparkle to your beauty by selling handmade clay ear-rings which were so unique and were of different shapes, sizes and even customizable. To relish yourself on a hot humid day we had authentic Punjabi Lassi combined with Chole & Pav. Mouth-watering isn’t it. We had our students selling key chains as well as self-made portraits. Mehendi one our country oldest traditions was also included in the talent fair. We had delicacies from – Sev puri to Chinese bhel. Every meal is incomplete without a dessert. To fulfil this part we had our students selling home-made Cakes and Gulab jamuns.
All the guests and students attended the fair and they were quite enjoying themselves. The stalls were properly organized and after eating all the waste management was also done properly. All the young talent presenter-cum-entrepreneurs had their own experiences after the event when the survey was taken the outcome was that sweets and food was mostly preferred over the other items. All had their own share of profits meanwhile some had their losses. But every student had enjoyed so much and had such a great learning experience.
(F.Y. B,Ed – Roll No: 46)